Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My brother Mark and wife Shirleen!

Mark and Shirleen just sold their house and will be building another one soon! We ate pizza and roasted marshmellow!!

Making brownies at my Mom's house!

My Mom likes to bake with the grandkids when they come! She decided that each child needs to make their own box of brownies! YES, we did eat them all! My nephew is with them!

Zayne & Sheryl

After Troy & Lisa's we went to Zayne & Sheryl's house for dinner!


My old house!

This is the house that I grew up in. It is a couple acres on the bay. My parents sold it a few years ago because it was getting to be too much work.

Bocce Ball at some of the friend's house!

Wanda's little girl!

Aren't they soooo cute????

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jason & Donna



Kayahni & Andrew

Donna & Bryce